portfolio-compression-for-outstanding-irs-mibor-benchmark-trades-carried-out-on-12th-december-2024 - ccil
Portfolio Compression run by CCIL for IRS (MIBOR Benchmark) market a huge success! 86.6% compression achieved in the 36th cycle
On 12th December 2024, CCIL successfully carried out the 36th cycle of the Portfolio Compression exercise in the Interest Rate Swaps market for MIBOR Benchmark, aimed at reducing the overall notional outstandings and the number of outstanding contracts by identifying economically redundant trades for early termination. 25 large foreign, private and nationalized sector Banks and Primary Dealers participated in this exercise. Of the 25,058 trades between 25 members which were found to be eligible for being considered for compression, 21,696 trades were identified for early termination achieving a compression rate of 86.6%. 21,398 trades were terminated fully while 298 trades were partially terminated. The reduction in market-wide Notional Outstanding of Rs. 7,69,304.10 Crores was achieved through this portfolio compression exercise. The compression exercise included both trades cleared by CCIL and non-cleared trades.