Functional FAQs

a) Trade Processing Services
Validation: Deals reported by members are subjected to technical and business validation checks. Deals which pass through the validation checks successfully will be accepted for matching else the deals will be rejected which will be communicated to the concerned members with the rejection reason in the form of report.

Matching: Upon successful validation checks the deals reported from the parties to the trade are taken up for matching based on pre defined parameters. The resultant trade will be assigned a Trade Id.

Amendment: Modifications to the existing deal can be carried out in terms of an amendment. The amendment would be required to make reference to the original deal. If the underlying is a matched trade, then both members to the contract are required to send the amendment.

Cancellation: Deals both new as well as subsequent amendments reported by members can be cancelled by members and such cancellation is accepted upon submission of cancel request by both members to the trade.

Early Termination (Reversals): Both members may also resort to early termination of deals by reporting reversals. Such reversals would be reported either with or without consideration.

b) Settlement Services
The Final Settlement Obligations is made available to all members at EOD of the previous business day. This report would be the basis for settlement.
 On the day of the settlement, the settlement file is sent to RBI for settlement through RTGS. The amounts payable are debited from the member accounts through RTGS in the morning at around 11.00 a.m.
 If the members account is sufficiently funded and the pay-ins are successfully debited, the payouts are released immediately through RTGS.
 Currently, the settlement at RBI is on "All or None" basis and hence in case of insufficient       funds in the account of any member(s) the entire file is rejected by RBI.
Members have been provided with a Deal Reporting Utility. This Utility (exe) is available on CCILs Report Browser which can be downloaded by the member on the PC having INFINET connection. This utility helps members to create IRS deals in a standardized format for matching and further processing. Members are provided with an option to manually input a deal or use the bulk file upload option using this utility.

Yes. Members can customize their own internal systems to generate the IRS deal in the standardized format as prescribed by CCIL for processing.

Yes. A member can report a deal done with old trade date. However the termination date of such a swap should be greater than the date of reporting the trade to CCIL.

CCIL undertakes processing of IRS trades of 5 Benchmarks namely MIBOR, MIFOR, MMFOR, INBMK and MIOIS.

As per RBI ’s directive (RBI/2007-2008/122 IDMD/11.08 15/809/2007-08 dt. 23-Aug-2007), a IRS deal should be reported to CCIL within half an hour of the trade conducted between members. Further, members should also note that CCIL can process the deals on daily basis on all working days (except Saturday and Sunday) till 6.00 pm (unless otherwise notified). Deals reported after 6:00 pm are taken up for processing on the next working day.
Click on this link to view the RBI Notification on Deal Processing

Yes. Members are allowed to amend / cancel / early terminate their trades subject to submission of the request to CCIL by both the members to the trade. Member has the option of manually creating the amend/cancel or reversal deal.

No. A Trade cannot be Amended / Cancelled / Reversed on the Cash Flow or Termination date

a) Matched deals report.
b) Alleged deals report.
c) Unmatched and rejected deals report.
Besides the above, members of the non-guaranteed settlement are provided with additional reports like the EOD trade status report, Settlement Obligation reports interim and final as well as reset rates report, change in cash flow dates report etc.

Operational FAQs

Please call on 022-66639424 / 022-61546654 / 022-61546478 or please send us an email at irs@ccilindia.co.in stating the error message shown and the User ID. 
Please send us an email at irs@ccilindia.co.in in the attached format for granting access right. Kindly include the email id of Head Treasury Back Office and the email id of the relevant person (in whose name the User needs to be created) are marked in such mails. 
Please contact the respective department or send a mail to reportbrowsersupport@ccilindia.co.in along with any earlier day’s sample report.