Functional FAQs

eNotice System is a web-based application for submission of Collateral Notices and Membership related  data electronically. The collateral module is  used for submitting collateral notices of deposits and withdrawals in respect of various business segments of CCIL and facilitates online-monitoring of notice status by the Users at every stage till process is completed.
Yes. eNotice System is built on the latest technology using 128-bit encryption. Whenever a collateral notice is submitted by the Member the data will be encrypted at members end and decrypted at CCIL end for further validations. Collateral notices submitted by the members will be backed-up and maintained in the system which can be viewed only by the particular member.
The PCs used for eNotice System at member end should have following features:
   Pentium III - 1.0 GHz or above;
   256 MB RAM or above;
   5 GB Hard Disk;
   Microsoft Internet Explorer version 5.0 or above with scripting enabled in browser settings;
   Desired Screen Resolution (1024 x 768 pixels) and
   Internet Connectivity – Modem/ Broadband connection (256 kbps) preferred or Cable.
All active members of various business segments of CCIL are eligible to have access to the eNotice System. When a member becomes active, a formal letter with Member Admin ID will be communicated to Member’s communication office. On receiving the same, Member’s Admin User can create Maker and Checker for submission of collateral notices to CCIL through eNotice System as prescribed in the eNotice Beginner’s Handbook. No separate Membership application need to be submitted for eNotice System Membership.
Yes. eNotice System will be available to the members on Monday to Friday between 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM and on Saturday between 9:00 am to 2:00 pm to the Members or as specified by CCIL from time to time. Member Checker has to ensure that all collateral notices are approved before the cut-off timings.
Active Members of CCIL can access eNotice System by clicking on the ‘eNotice’ logo available on CCIL’s website i.e.www.ccilindia.com or using the URL: www.ccilindia.com/eNotice.html. After selecting the above url address, system navigates the User to login page of eNotice System wherein the User has to input valid information as required in the screen.
The salient features of eNotice System – Collateral Module  are:
   Interface between Member and CCIL
   A web-based secured application system
   Built-in admin-maker-checker facility
   On-line status monitoring of collateral notices
   List of eligible securities acceptable as collateral/SGF contribution
   Automatic selection of notice and value dates.
For any eNotice System related problems,  Collateral and Funds Management Department of CCIL be contacted on telephone numbers: 6663 9253/6663 9234 for any help. You may also send your queries/clarifications/suggestions on our email id cfm@ccilindia.co.in.

Operational FAQs

Please call the CFM Team on 022-61546488/91 or send an email at cfm@ccilindia.co.in to unlock user in E-notice
Please call the CFM Team on 022 61546483-96 or can send mail to sec@ccilindia.co.in
Please call the Membership team on 022-61546552/53/54/55/56/57 or send us an email at mcm@ccilindia.co.in stating E-notice User ID to reset the password.
Please mail on mcm@ccilindia.co.in along with your Membership ID and the User ID.
Request Admin user at your end to release the user ID / reset password or contact Collateral Management on 61546488/87/91. 
If Admin user is unable to log in please call the Membership team on 022-61546652/53/54/55/56/57 or send us an email at mcm@ccilindia.co.in stating E-notice User ID to reset the password.
Please send a mail on cfm@ccilindia.co.in requesting us to accept the notice or call on 61546488 / 87 /91
Please call Collateral Management Team on 61546485/88/87/91
Please refer to the Download / Cut-off timings in eNotice system login page or please click on https://enotice.ccilindia.com/ERCS/pdf/Cutoff%20timings.pdf